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Latest News


Beginning February 10th,  the Saturday Mass at Holy Rosary will be changed to 5:15PM and there will be one Sunday Mass at 10AM. ​​​​​​​​​​


If school is cancelled due to weather, we will not have daily Mass.  â€‹


Our Rosary Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6PM in our chapel at Holy Rosary Church. Everyone is welcome to attend.


 The Christian Women will be reciting the Rosary before Mass on every first Saturday of the month, beginning at 4:40PM.   All are invited to join with them in prayer.  



Rev Connell McHugh will offer 5 presentations for Lent beginning on the Tuesday (before Ash Wednesday) at 10 am in the parish hall. Topics for the sessions are: March 4th (The Temptation narratives) , 11th (An in depth look at Judas), 18th (Apocryphal Writings), 25th (Reading the passion Narratives; Examining the Passion Narratives of Luke) & April 1st (Words From the Cross: The Seven Last Words of Jesus). Those planning to attend can call the rectory at 570-454-6693, since notes will be distributed. There is no charge and the sessions are open to parishioners, non-parishioners and people of other faiths.


Pierogi Sale $9.00 / dozen AND 

Easter Egg Sale—
Milk chocolate peanut butter and coconut
eggs...$ 10.00 / dozen or $ 1.00
each. D
eadline to order is March
16th for both pierogi & eggs. Pickup is
Sunday, April 6th after the 10 am mass till
1 pm. Call Cindy  at 570-459-5510
to order.



Low Gluten Hosts are now available, please inform the Sacristan before Mass if you would like to receive one.



Bulletin for January 27-28, 2024



Our parish Masses will continue to be recorded  and/or livestreamed and posted here.   Previous Masses can be found on our Weekend Masses  page.  Holy Rosary Church will now be livestreaming our Saturday 5:15PM Mass.  
















THE OFFICE IS OPEN Monday -Thursday 9AM -4PM. You may also call or e-mail us for any requests or questions.


Rolling Raffle Results 

For more information about the Rolling Raffle Click Here

The winning number drawn on Tuesday February 18th was #337 .  We did not have a winner.  $312.50 rolls over to the next drawing. 

It is time again for the Diocesan Annual Appeal, this year’s theme is “Our Call to Serve."  Our parish goal is  $25,047. While we have reached 78% of our monetary goal, our other goal is 100% participation, as all size gifts are welcome.   Please prayerfully consider a  gift to the annual appeal. 


Our Mission

We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, are committed through our baptism to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in our own times and place.  As God's family, we are committed to living the Gospel through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, faithfully presenting and living the teachings of the Church, and to love as Jesus loved, especially in regard to the poor, the needy and the troubled.

© 2025 Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton PA. 

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