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About us


Holy Rosary Parish

240 S. Poplar St.,

Hazleton, PA 18201


(570) 454-6693



PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Sergio Leon Pamplona Henao


PRIEST MODERATOR:  Rev. Michael J Piccola


SECRETARY: Denise Minnick

Office Hours:  Monday-Thursday 9AM-4PM


MAINTENANCE: David Eckrote





Mission Statement

We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, are committed through our baptism to

continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in our own time and place.


As God's family, we are committed to living the Gospel through the celebration of the Eucharist 

and the other sacraments, faithfully presenting and living the teachings of the Church, and to 

love as Jesus loved, especially to the poor, the needy and the troubled.




MASSES: Saturday: 5:15pm, Sunday: 10:00 am, Daily: 12:05 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Holydays: Check this website or call (570) 454-6693


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:30 to 5:00 pm


Our weekly bulletin is available online.  


ADORATION: Holy Rosary Church has begun Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel. If you are interested in coming for a visit to our Adoration Chapel, please call the office at (570) 454-6693. You will be given an access code to enter the chapel.   Chapel hours are from 6AM to 9PM, at all others times the building security system will be armed.  Spend an hour with God. You will find it very rewarding.


BAPTISM: Arrangements should be made at least one month in advance. New parents need to participate in the Baptism Instruction Program.


MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance. Couples are expected to participate in the Marriage Preparation Program.


MINISTRY TO THE SICK, CONFINED and HOMEBOUND: Please notify us if a family member is hospitalized or confined to their home or institution, so that the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Eucharist are available to them.


NEW MEMBERS: We always welcome new members to our parish community. New parishioner forms are in the back of the church.  





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